Camp Counselor Ålexander Flashes Back to Scamp '16

IMG_7937 Now, enough of my whining about how much I miss Summer Camp. This article is supposed to highlight what made this year’s fest unique among the many that I have attended from years past. And unique it was. Although, to start things off, this year’s journey to the fest was yet another cross country expedition. It seems as if the only way I know how to make it to the Summer Camp is by traveling at least 1,000 miles. Launching from Las Vegas, my mother and I drove across 6 states to arrive mid-Wednesday to help get things rolling for the Soulshine Tent and enjoy some pre-SCamp shenanigans. Shenanigans which included my bringing of grape soda, watermelon, and fried chicken to our Camp Counselor potluck. The essentials to any summer bbq. And yes, my mother came with me yet again to another SCamp. For it has been decided that this will be our reunion year after year. I personally wouldn’t want it any other way! We finally nailed out the perfect route from Vegas and I was still buzzing high from the 2 UMbowl shows just weeks prior. I was also buzzing high from an entire year away at college where I worked my butt off and earned a 4.0 putting me on the deans list for 2 straight semesters. To say the least, It was time to RAGE!!! IMG_7488 copy I met the crowd of festies at the gates early Thursday morning and got some solid footage of the madness that thousands have experienced as they hustled their loads of camping gear into the grounds. I found myself playing a few different roles as people were making their way through the gates. One as being an in the way photographer trying to work in a good shot, another as a helpful hand for those who bit off more than what was humanly possible to carry in arms or wagon, and the last as being a very amused child watching people’s clever ways of bringing in luggage topple over one by one. All three roles perfectly satisfied. Although next year, I think I’ll produce a quick video montage of as many toppled wagons and such as I can.. IMG_7906 The party peeps had entered party zone. I also just noticed that Pokemon hat on that girl below… Wondering how she’s doing with Pokemon Go… Haven’t gotten into it myself. But I’m sure it would be a riot at Summer Camp. IMG_7911IMG_7916 Now as a Camp Counselor, my duties range far and wide depending on my skills, creativity, and initiative. So I tend to go into the festival with a pretty organized battle plan. And there usually isn’t a plan B. Especially for what I would do if my computer crashed as soon as the festival started.. Which it did. This meant many horrible things for my as I realized I only had so much storage space for my photos. I had to be very wise and exact with each photo that I took and decided to keep on card. In the end, it forced me into taking some better photos, as well as an excuse to get a new computer. Luckily enough, I had all my files backed up! IMG_8944 copy IMG_8441 Within this battle plan of mine included getting as many vinyl records within my collection signed as I could. It was a mission not set in stone. Getting close to some of the artists was nearly impossible, but I managed to get signatures from Moe, Umph, Thievery Corporation, Lotus, and Emancipator. Tom Petty was on my list as well, but that guy had security like Fort Knox. Thank god for being a Camp Counselor and having VIP general access. Anyone who had VIP wristbands and saw the Moe. VIP show could’ve been close enough to the guys to meet them like I did. And same certainly goes for those who fork it out to attend the Umph church set. This is a mission that any likeminded SCamper can undertake, as long as you don’t break too many rules 😉 Artists are always more than happy to meet fans and to especially sign vinyl. 13315277_1216551051688841_6177170512439610378_n IMG_9275 Last thing I want to cover from this past year’s SCamp were the sets. There are 3 artists that stuck out to me in particular when I look back to this year’s fest. Tauk, The Wailers, and Moe. This was my very first time seeing Tauk. I’ve heard ridiculously good things about the band that I couldn’t miss their set held at the Starshine Stage. Now, as a drummer, I have always held that position as being the biggest factor for enjoying a band. And drummer Isaac Teel destroys that role inside and out. The guy is simply fire. And at one point, I remember a flock of geese flying overhead that brought everybody into the most unifying euphoric state I felt at the festival. It was magical indeed. If you were there, you know what I am talking about. IMG_8157 IMG_8155 Now, The Wailers for me was yet again one of those beautiful aligning moments that seemed divinely planned a thousand years before my human birth. Thus being said bringing me back to the very first days I found my love for music as a small child around the age of 4. My cousin who was born just 6 days before me in the same hospital, and I, would listen to Buffalo Soldier on repeat while coloring on the walls of our warm Southern California home. And as we got older, our love for music both grew and so did our love for that particular herb the Bob Marley would “occasionally roll up.” With this back story, I emerge into the crowd during The Wailers at Summer Camp 2016 and get within the sound under the glorious sun. Someone walks by and asks for the time. I look at my phone, and it’s 4:20. I tell the stranger the time and am offered a very glorious serving of that same particular herb that Mr. Marley would “occasionally roll up.” As it starts to kick in, Buffalo Soldier plays. Need I say more? IMG_8423 To close things off, Moe. always leaves the Moonshine Stage in a state similar to the energetic electric steam that comes off the DeLorean from Back To The Future after traveling hundreds years time. But this year seems to have been much more powerful and supreme as years past. This was the first time I noticed the sound engineers using the rear speakers in a surround sound motioning effect. And the lighting and stage projector was on full blast as the band beefed out a 20+ minute Rebubula, and closed things off with an epic cover of White Room by Cream. IMG_9248 IMG_9082 All in all, this year was one for the books. Possibly my favorite Summer Camp yet. I am certainly excited for next year. Until then, keep up the good vibes and peace! Camp Counselor Ålexander 13925129_10154320579852295_6747902401898674662_n]]>