Nick | Eric | Carmel | Kyle | Bailey | Robert | JoJo | Derek | Alex D | Amanda | Alexander
The John Popper Story
Camp Counselor Nick

My very first Summer Camp
Camp Counselor Eric

Oprah-ing the hell out of my first weekend as Summer Camp Counselor
Camp Counselor Carmel
So the first year I became a Summer Camp Counselor I convinced myself I was basically going to Oprah the hell out of my weekend. I had a friend named Mike who knew a thing or two about video production and he walked me through how to create some cool videos about the Summer Camp experience. In all honesty though, I had no clue what I was doing… Well, on Friday afternoon we were getting ready to head off to Umphrey’s when I got pulled into an interview with an artist I knew absolutely nothing about. His specialty was dubstep and to this day I can’t even tell you what that actually means. As a Counselor these types of things were just part of the long list of responsibilities that could be asked of you over the weekend so I happily agreed to jump into this awkward situation full force and, as they say in the biz, IMPROVISE! Looking back there are a million little things I would have done differently (like brushed my hair…) but nothing is ever really perfect in life and sometimes you just gotta surrender to the flow. Check out the video of my very first artist interview: Camp will always have my heart
Camp Counselor Bailey

My favorite Summer Camp (and life) memory
Camp Counselor Kyle
My favorite Summer Camp Music Festival memory happens to be one of my favorite life memories as well. It was the last day of the festival in 2013 and the weather forecast had a lot in store for us. It was my first year as Summer Camp Counselor and all day long I was told to be ready for an awesome private set experience that evening. The anticipation grew as they wouldn’t tell me who would be there to perform for me. The time finally came; I just had a fresh slice of Manolo’s and was ready to rage a private set with my close friends and family… only one problem. When we got to the church, we were told that with the radar showed an intense storm heading right for Summer Camp. The band was no longer coming to us in fear of damaging their instruments. This meant I was only allowed to bring three people with me. I was sad for my friends I had to leave behind, but I pushed onwards with my brother, sister, and girlfriend. We arrived backstage of Moonshine and entered into a trailer. It was none other than moe. and Victor Wooten ready to give us three songs! They were all so welcoming and inviting. The set consisted of Kyle’s Song, Cissy Strut, and The Weight. It was an experience only few can say they have had, and one I will cherish for the rest of my life! to SCamp on a budget
Camp Counselor Robert
A couple of seasons ago, I was pulled over driving about one month out from SCamp. I will spare you the details, only mentioning that the driving charges were all dropped, but to summarize the consequences after having my car impounded along with being forced to pay a variety of delinquent parking tickets from all over the state, lawyer fees and so on.. I was left with a significant dent in my account balance and had made the conclusion that I simply wouldn’t be able to afford my way to SCMF that year.
My very first Summer Camp
Camp Counselor JoJo
My very first Summer Camp was in 2013, and I went as press for the college newspaper I worked for. Not only was it my first SCamp experience, but also first camping festival experience and one I was covering no less. When I arrived I was fairly nervous, big crowds are overwhelming to me and I didn’t have many friends that I knew. However, as I began to explore the festival I quickly started feeling right at home, if not a little bit like I’d been dropped into some rabbit hole like Alice. This place was amazing! Despite my awkward and somewhat shy demeanor, I couldn’t go five feet without someone reaching out to me to say hello, or grab my hand and dance with me as I walked through a crowd taking pictures. There was one woman I remember specifically coming up to me and saying, “OMG I’ve missed you!” then put a flower crown on my head and ran off. SCamp 2013 was right after I had graduated high school, so it was a stark contrast to the disconnect I’d felt with kids my age. Instead of feeling out of place and weird I felt totally included and loved and, well, still weird but in a good way. That year was wet and muddy the whole time which I hadn’t prepared for, and by night one my sandals had already gotten lost. I had to struggle through the weekend shoeless, drenched and freezing. Despite all of that though, that weekend was easily one of the greatest in my life. I’m so appreciative of the opportunity provided to me by the festival, for allowing me to cover it, and for all the beautiful SCampers I met that year and in years following that have helped me come out of my shell. Cheers to all of you, I can’t wait until #SCamp17!Everyone Orchestra conducted by Camp Counselor Derek
Camp Counselor Derek
“Memories… light the corners of my mind. Misty water-colored (hazy) memories… of the way we were. Remember the time I got do this? I do. Good times.” the wizard master himself
Camp Counselor Alex D
I have been incredibly blessed to have attended Summer Camp every year since 2013 as a Camp Counselor. Being a Counselor has given me some of the most incredible experiences of my life, memories that I will cherish with me to the grave. A certain interview I did in 2016 definitely shines a light as one of my favorite memories. It wasn’t just the interview, however, that made it so great. It’s late Saturday afternoon, #SCamp16. I am still struggling with coherency after a Friday night late adventure with EOTO and Keller Williams. I’m standing in line, and by standing, I mean lazily slouching over while waiting for a water and Yerba Mate, to try and simultaneously hydrate and boost my energy. The first notes of “Let’s Go Outside” sparkle through the speakers, weave through my ears, dance with my heart and uplifts my spirit. Without conscious thought, my spine jolts upwards, awareness electrifies, and my suddenly rehydrated body moves in ways I didn’t know possible. The hour-long set of Kyle Hollingsworth Band revitalized my being and easily went down as my favorite set of the weekend. And, of course, following the music: an interview with the wizard master himself: Click to view it here.Summer Camp (with kids!)
Camp Counselor Amanda
Summer Camp is one of those places that just feels like home to me. I have grown up and moved through many stages of life while in attendance. My children have celebrated firsts, met some amazing people, & learned to love new things that they might not have tried otherwise. My husband and I have gained friends who I am sure will be around for a lifetime of experiences with us. If I had never decided to go to Summer Camp, I am sure I would not be the person that I am today. I would lack a confidence and a feeling of community that has truly changed me at my core. I am so thankful that this festival (which has grown a lot over the years) has been one that I have been able to cherish for many years.The adventure is worth it.
Camp Counselor Alexander