My Summer Camp 2015 memories prove to be the best SCamp I’ve been to yet. In honor of this most recent year being the 15th anniversary, I will recap my experience into my top 15 highlights, in chronological order…
1.) Meeting Uncle Randy
Almost immediately! Just strolling through the grounds on early Thursday, a jam to the tune of The Talking Heads called me over into the Vibe Tent. Sure enough, already dancing his half-exposed ass off was Uncle Randy, a well-known Summer Camp attendee. I introduced myself right away, and bumped into him every day throughout the rest of the weekend.2.) Turbo Suit & Friends
I freaked out with excitement when this show was announced. Turbo Suit has become one of my favorite bands since seeing them at SCamp14 under the name Cosby Sweater. I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off the weekend than with this funktronic trio’s special set that featured sit-ins by Jennifer Hartswick, Natalie Cressman, members of Umphrey’s, and more!3.) STS9 w/ Victor Wooten
Speaking of sit-ins, let it be known that I LOVE collaborations. Needless to say, this was the highlight of the Tribe set with me when bass legend Victor Wooten was welcomed onto the stage for a take on Gobnugget… which weirdly enough sounds like Godboner. Speaking of, I want to give a shout-out to the lovely lady during this Tribe set that arranged a substantial amount of glow sticks into a hopscotch zone next to the beer stand. Of course this wasn’t any game of hopscotch; the squares spelled out GODBONER. I’m forever thankful I got to hop on your Godboner during STS9.4.) Daft Rock

5.) The Musician’s Physician
On Saturday I was lucky enough to spend some time at the Sunshine backstage area with my good friend Dr. Charlie Kautz, DC, the Musician’s Physician. Dr. Charlie is a chiropractor working under Artist Hospitality at Summer Camp (as well as many other festivals and venues!) that treats musicians (and their crew) before they perform. Just like athletes, musicians have many aches and pains from repetitive movements that go into playing instruments. Dr. Charlie tunes em up to feeling 100%, enabling what’s always sure to be an “epic performance.” I helped do some filming and interviewing while Dr. Charlie was working on members of Digital Tape Machine, Turbo Suit, and more – be on the lookout for a video soon!6.) Discovering New Music
You can’t go a festival as big as Summer Camp and not expect to discover a new band to get groovy to. At SCamp 15, I learned what everyone was TAUKing about. Yep, TAUK blew me away, and the rest of the beyond-packed crowd dancing under the sun at the Campfire Stage. Mayhaps by next year they’ll have earned a spot on the Sunshine?! Here’s a clip of their cover of In Bloom. Headphones & Snowcones
After a brief exposure to the mania sweeping Umph rock shows, I signed up for Headphones & Snowcones with Umphrey’s McGee for their Saturday night show. Needless to say, this was one of my most anticipated shows of the weekend, and Umphrey’s still managed to blow my expectations through the sky and around other dimensions of musical venture. The purest possible sound quality streaming directly into my auditory senses, while dancing with all my friends, was one of the best Umphrey’s McGee experiences I’ve had (of almost 30 shows). Wappy > Divisions > Bright Lights was a segue streamed out of my dreams, with an unbelievable encore of Glory > Divisions > A Love Supreme > Divisions to close the night.8.) Receiving an All-Access Pass
Another highly anticipated set from the weekend was STS9’s late night set in the Red Barn. A couple people in my crew had their tickets at Will Call in the Red Barn box office. Not knowing that it closed at 2 AM, we showed up at 2:15 for the 2:30 set and it was already closed. While we were wondering what to do, none other than Arlan Goldberg appeared. I was with Dr. Charlie, who he knew. “Charlie! What can I do for ya?!” Arlan happily said as he greeted us all. Charlie said, “Well, our crew is actually 2 tickets short and we’re trying to see this Tribe show.” Arlan brushed this dilemma off with ease, almost as if the problem was too easy to solve. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of All-Access passes and like a dealer handing out cards, gave each one of our crew a pass. I think this just goes to show how much the Goldberg’s love Summer Camp, and do everything they can to make each SCamper happy!9.) Dose of Medicine
I can literally say that I listen to Nahko & Medicine for the People every day. Hence, there was no questioning my attendance at this set, in the midst of a jam-stacked Sunday lineup. With black clouds creeping across the sky, winds beginning to rise and quicken, a storm was looming around the corner as the minutes neared to the start of Nahko’s set. However, once the Medicine started with “Vultures of Culture” I knew it all started to make sense, and nothing else mattered. By the end of his set, the tornado watch subsided and the Sunday festivities were set to roll on. Watch the full set here: The Night is Young
To be honest, I had only planned to see a little bit of Big Gigantic’s set, and then go check out Greensky Bluegrass. But DAMN, I admit Big Gigantic threw down a party I couldn’t resist from staying at. The energy was flying high, and Dom made sure to hype it up as much as he could (I actually wouldn’t mind if he spoke a little less), but there’s no blaming him when he’s introducing all of The Motet and Cherub for a spin on The Night is Young, my favorite song by Big G.11.) Backstage View of GRiZ
I took advantage of my All-Access pass every time I could on Sunday. This included backstage access to free snacks and beer, and side stage viewing area for select shows. The particular time at GRiZ was mesmerizing, and easily one of the top memories from this year’s Summer Camp.