Camp Counselor Amanda Talks to Keller Williams About SCamp, Family and Music

Keller Williams is one of those artists that seems to light up the entire area around him. He really knows how to work a stage and a crowd. This magic is part of the reason that I have been seeing as many shows as I can over the past fifteen years. I have even traveled through ten different states, many times just to catch him in the act of performing. I was lucky enough to get to sit down and talk with him about his experiences at Summer Camp and his family.

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Over the years I have become a huge fan of the song “Gate Crashers Suck,” and when I thanked Keller we had a little laugh. I asked him about the song and whether he still felt any anger over not getting to see The Grateful Dead that fateful summer.
“No. When I wrote it, it was a couple of years past the incident and it was always somewhat tongue and cheek. There was definitely an anger at the time in 1995 when that went down. But later on, it was more of a tongue in cheek story that went over really well in the Indiana/Midwest area amongst Deadheads. It’s always been a fun song to do, and later on it just turned into this beautiful audience participation song with a beautiful angelic chorus under these scathing horrible lyrics. Somehow it works and entertains me,” laughing Keller stated.
Thanks to Dan Flaven, I was able to find this little gem and thought you all might enjoy it too! I then went on to ask a little bit about his experiences at Summer Camp. This year marks the 14th year that Keller will be joining us at Summer Camp Music Festival. He first came in 2002 and has been every year except 2008. I asked him about his reasons for coming back to the festival year after year.
“Ian Goldberg, really. He is super kind. You’re a part of the family, in the sense of being at that festival. I think that it is the connection with moe., Umphrey’s, and especially Ian Goldberg that keeps me coming back. I’m very, very grateful to be a part of that festival. I think that I have missed one since it started. It’s been a real familiar place to return to each year.” He went on to state that he felt “lucky and grateful to be a part of it.”

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Keller sets at Summer Camp are one of the things that I look most forward to each year. If I was asked what my favorite sets have been at the festival overall, I can’t help but go back to the 2013 Keller VIP set. My husband and I had gotten married the Wednesday before the festival and our first VIP experience was actually our honeymoon. This is one of those sets that we both still talk about on a regular basis. I shared with Keller that this was a favorite memory of mine and asked what a favorite Summer Camp memory of his was. Here’s a little taste of this amazing set that was a favorite for my husband and I thanks to FreakTVOnline.
“Well, playing on the Umphrey’s stage with More Than A Little and Victor Wooten sitting in the whole set, was pretty epic. Victor being from Virginia and my band More Than A Little, they are all big fans of Victor Wooten. So to have him on stage was huge to me and also for them. Sometimes we will have folks sit in that the band has never really hard of, but I’ve been friends with forever. This is different. Everyone was super excited and tickled. Victor’s musicianship and showmanship, he didn’t know any of the songs but he stepped up and took control. I think that was a fantastic memory for me. Also, Jake from Umphrey’s sat in on that gig as well.”
I thought I would share a little taste of Keller’s favorite Summer Camp Music Festival set as well. “I don’t get to play that stage that often. I’m usually on the lower moe. stage and to get up on the meadow stage was different. Then to have Victor Wooten the whole time was definitely a very memorable experience.” Keller is known as a family man. I decided since I’m always sharing about my own family on the blog that I would ask him a few questions about his family. I asked if he would be bringing his family along to Summer Camp this year. “No, that’s a very busy time of year. If I’m lucky I will be on a couple of different festivals in a couple of different time zones that weekend. It’s just one of those weekends. It’s not conducive for children. I’m in and out. I come in Friday morning and leave before the sun comes up on Saturday morning usually.” I went on to share with Keller that I have four children and asked about his children. “I have two, a boy that’s 8 and a girl that’s 11.” I asked if he had been lucky enough to get to go to an American Girl doll store at some point with his daughter when she was younger. “I have not, but my wife has a couple of times. My daughter has definitely moved beyond that but it was definitely in her life at one time for sure. I think they even made an appointment or something.” I shared that my husband was not a fan. Keller went on, “There’s a funny Will Farrell video outside. It’s Will Farrell and he has a couple of little girls. It’s a screaming contest and whoever screams the loudest gets the doll.” I decided that I had to check out this video and I have to admit that I laughed pretty hard. You can check it out for yourself if you want, thanks to this YouTube video of the Billy on the Street segment. I went on to ask Keller what he enjoyed doing with his children. “Well there’s a number of family friendly festivals that are great. One that we’ve went to in the past is called the Watermelon Festival in Virginia. There’s another one that we are really excited to go back to. It’s called Floyd Fest in Floyd, Virginia. That’s a real kid friendly type of festival that’s been going on for 16 or 17 years. I’m not sure exactly how long it’s been going on. We are new to that festival. It’s exciting that my kids are really into it and are excited to go back. We are looking forward to that.” I talked briefly about my goals as the parent Camp Counselor and Keller agreed that if you want to party that it is best not to bring your kids along. I then talked to him about his “Kids” album which is a favorite of my children and mine. I asked him what the inspiration behind this album was. “I would say that the first inspiration behind that was “Not for Kids Only” by Jerry Garcia and Dave Grisman. That came out in the early 90s and I didn’t have kids until 2004 when my first one was born. So there was definitely this kids music floating around since I was a big Deadhead. I was looking for anything and everything that any of the band members did while they were still around. It’s this whole record of Jerry Garcia and David Grisman that was directed towards kids, but might be like the title says not for kids only. I didn’t have kids and I definitely listened to that too. I knew that it could be done where we try and connect with children and make the parents head bob at the same time.”

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“It’s basically up to the parents what the kids listen to at that age. Another inspiration was to come up with some family friendly music, which by the way took about seven years to come up. That was the idea to connect with the kids and at the same time make it so that the parents don’t hate it.” “That record is definitely the one that people talk to me the most about. Especially angry mothers who are in the grocery store with their toddler. There’s a bunch of people around and they are standing in line or something. The kid goes ‘mommy tooted’ and obviously the kid didn’t listen to the words. If he did, he would realize that ‘she may say that she did not and she is probably right but we’re going to blame it on mommy all night.’ The kids definitely miss the key points and just remember mommy tooted. That one is definitely the most talked about with people coming up to me at festivals and stuff talking about my music. I’m very proud of that.” I shared with him that my kids had just been listening to the album on the way to school and that my son’s favorite song is “Soakie VonSoakerman.” Huxley on a regular basis asks why he has never heard that song when he sees Keller playing at festivals or concerts. To be honest, if I play this song on the way to school each morning it seems to entertain the kids enough that they can’t argue with each other. So, needless to say this song is playing in the car almost every single day. When they were listening to the song on the way to school this morning, I reminded them that they got to see Keller next week. Huxley promptly reminded me that he didn’t play this song last year. He told me he hopes Keller plays it this year. “That song ‘Soakie VonSoakerman’ definitely started as a band song with Moseley, Droll, and Sipe. Jeff Sipe on drums, Keith Mosely on bass, and Gibb Droll on lead guitar with that band in 2008. I think there is a YouTube video of ‘Soakie VonSoakerman’ that starts with a Jeff Sipe cam on the drums. We had a GoPro attached and you can watch Jeff Sipe playing the beats. It was definitely a jammer before it turned into a kids song and I added in the animal noises. It definitely has a little bit of a history.” I wrapped up our conversation by asking about his ambitions for the future. I asked about new albums and his most recently released album. ”’Vape came out in April of last year. I’ve been working on one with my new project called KWahtro. That has Gibb Droll on lead guitar, Danton Boller on bass, and Rodney Holmes on drums. It’s taking a lot longer than I expected, probably because all of the guys are very busy with their own thing and different projects. Everyone is very savvy. I did my tracks first and then Boller will do the base. Holmes does the drums and Droll will do his part at the end. It’s taking a little bit longer than I anticipated, but I’m hoping that is going to come out in the fall.” “More immediately I’m working on a album of Tim Bluhm songs. Tim Bluhm is the lead singer of The Mother Hips. He had a bad parachuting accident and after his accident he had to go through surgeries. He had to pay out of pocket for this. So it will be available for download with all of the proceeds going to that. I’m reaching out to a few folks and I’m hoping to get quick turnaround in the next month.” “I’m very excited about the KWahtro release. It has five new songs and three old songs of mine from earlier that are being revamped from their solo version. That’s what’s going on.” I thanked Keller for his time and asked him if there was anything that he wanted to see in the crowd or if he had any messages for Summer Campers. “Well, I’m a huge EOTO fan and I will be playing with EOTO which is super exciting. They’re 100% improv and 100% organic electronic. You don’t really talk about their music. You just get up there and hope for the best. It’s super exciting for me and I love Jason Hahn and Michael Travis. I’m really, really excited to actually perform music that I listen to.” Being able to talk to Keller was literally a dream come true for me. So, if you are a big fan like I am you are going to have to remember to swing by the Conscious Alliance booth for a special meet and greet! I will be there and expect all of you to be there as well!        ]]>