Shouted, Written Down & Quoted. Regardless, the weekend culminated with one of the best sets of music I saw all year.
In a career defining moment, Greensky paid tribute to The Last Waltz: the final concert put on by the Band that took place forty years earlier on Thanksgiving Day. The epic night of music was documented by Martin Scorsese and the result was one of the best concert films to ever be released. The show signaled the end of an era for live music and contained a slew of notable guest appearances from Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan to Neil Young and Dr. John, just to name a few.
In the film the Band’s Robbie Robertson explained, “We wanted it to be more than just a concert, we wanted it to be a celebration.”Well, Greensky’s translation of that aesthetic couldn’t have been more on point. The best part was, no one in the audience could see this coming. I suppose they were giving us a hint when the second set ended early in the evening after a cover of the Band’s “The Shape I’m In.” Greensky quickly exited the stage with a promise they’d soon be back. Two drum sets were then set up during the set break leaving most of us intrigued, especially since Greensky is an all-strings bluegrass band.