What I will give you is a brief fragrance of my experience (too flowery?). My night started by tucking my threenager into bed (three years old, but acts like a punk teenager). A quick Lyft down to the Concord music hall got me there just in time… to miss the opening band. Sorry The Werks. People tell me it was good. I believe them.
These days I don’t tend to fight my way to the front of the stage, and I can’t get to any given show early enough to stake out a spot. However, this time, I had the benefit of the photo pass. I want to say a couple quick things about the security at the front that night. I’ve never seen a security guard as alert and courteous as the man who was at the front of the photo pit that night. He noticed my photo pass and flagged me down when the photo pit opened. I saw him clear the way for a dude in a wheel chair, tap someone on the shoulder who was unaware of a fellow moe.ron carrying many drinks, he gave out bottles of water to people he thought needed them. He even pointed out that my ticket was about to fall out of my pocket. It’s rare to see that kind of awareness and kindness from security at a venue. And while some nights that job is probably very tough… I would imagine the moe. crowd is fairly low maintenance by comparison. So good for him for going the extra mile on a potentially slow night.
My show was spent hopping around trying to get some good photos and taking in the jams. As the lights were up for set break I was able to spot a couple SCampers. Don’t forget to wear your SCamp gear out and about. If one of the counselors spot you, we can take a photo together and enter you to win a pair of free tickets to SCamp17.
This was my second venture to see moe. in a month. When I saw that they would be in Bayfield, Wisconsin just before Labor Day weekend I knew I had to make it up there. They were playing just a stone’s throw from the location I got married on the shore of Lake Superior. If you ever have a chance to see a show at the Big Top Chautauqua it’s worth the drive from wherever. It’s a large circus-like tent out in the woods. It’s close to my heart and seeing moe. with Yonder Mountain String Band there was worth every penny.
The thing about moe. is… they never disappoint. (Well there was that one Halloween where they played all of their songs in heavy metal style and I kind of wanted to hear them the original way.) I can always count on them to bring me back to the SCamp state of mind. And I can always count on them to surprise me at some point. Night one at the Concord in Chicago was no different. I’m only sorry I had to miss night two.
I know you’re all busy people and a picture is worth a thousand words right? So here are six thousand and four more words:
See you at SCamp17.]]>