Camp Counselor Jason's Favorite 15 sUMmer Camp Moments with Umphrey's McGee

1.) The Great Swap of 5/24/14 and 5/25/14 On Saturday of Summer Camp 2014 moe. swapped places with Umphrey’s McGee mid performance. While Umphrey’s played “Ringo” one member of moe. would take an Umphrey’s memeber’s place one-at-a-time as the assembled musicians from both bands transitioned into moe.’s “Tailspin.” Fans were abuzz with the possibility of Umphrey’s returning the favor, and the following day on May 25th during moe.’s performance of “Meat” Umphrey’s would indeed swap in and perform their own “Puppet String” to the delight of everyone assembled. To think this took place less than a year ago is amazing to me, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us this Memorial Day Weekend.

2.) All In Time on 5/26/07 

One of the band’s sets the weekend of Summer Camp 2007 fell directly after an amazing performance from Les Claypool. During Claypool’s set it began to rain slightly as his band played “Precipitation”, sending me and my crew back into the woods to dry off and change clothes. 197634_759720668507_601475010_nAs we began preparations for our return to the stage, we could hear Umphrey’s take the stage with an amazing cover of “Black Sabbath.” Immediately we went running towards the Moonshine Stage to ensure we didn’t miss any more of the action, fortunately reaching the top of the hill just as the sun peered back out. Umphrey’s took on their classic “All In Time” next. I couldn’t have been happier.

3.) Mulche’s Odyssey on 5/23/09 

Artist sit-ins are always extraordinary at Summer Camp, and when Les Claypool came out in his monkey mask with the whamola in tow during Umphrey’s McGee’s “Mulche’s Odyssey” in 2009 we knew we were in for a hell of a ride.

4.) Rebubula on 5/24/13 Hearing a cover at Summer Camp isn’t unusual, but when Umphrey’s busted out a cover of moe.’s “Rebubula” it was something special. As luck have it that the same night moe. would also come out and cover Umphrey’s McGee’s “In The Kitchen.” “Rebubula” would later be voted on to be released in Umphrey’s Hall Of Fame 2013 album.

5.) Wizard Burial Ground on 5/23/09 This Wizard Burial Ground is a perfect example as to why it’s best to be prepared before riding the rail at an Umphrey’s McGee show. The energy in the middle of that crowd while watching the sky explode from behind the stage as Wizard Burial Ground climaxed is indescribable.

6.) The Brain Damaged Eggmen on 5/26/12 

Summer Camp’s late night shows have been quite unique over the years. In 2012 Jake, Brendan, and Kris of Umphrey’s McGee got together with Aaron and Marc of The Disco Biscuits to re-assemble the Brain Damaged Eggmen. Tearing into the Beatles / Pink Floyd infused set, they created yet another unique memory for campers.

7.) The Scaffolding Melee of 5/24/14 Thinking Umphrey’s was playing a brand new “walkout” song as they prepared to take the stage for their second set at Summer Camp 2014 had all SCampers present focused in the wrong direction – it turns out the guys were back at the scaffolding near Waful’s lighting setup and were about to climb atop it for a special surprise. There the sextet performed a Scaffolding Melee on keyboards and drum pads for about 7 minutes, until one-by-one, the band members left for the stage to roll out into Hajimishite.

8.) Saturday Morning Kick Ball For the last 4 years now Ryan Stasik has joined SCampers for what is a festival tradition, the Saturday morning Sunrise Kickball game. If you’re a morning person with a competitive streak, this is a must, and the same goes for any UM fan.

9.) The Annual Golden Ticket Event

For the last three years Umphrey’s McGee has held a “Golden Ticket” event at Summer Camp. Golden TicketHere’s the deal – they sell a limited quantity of tote bags for $20 apiece and each bag holds well over $20 worth of merchandise, some old and some new. While all totes contain cool Umphrey’s surprises, some buyers are lucky and end up with rare merch. Ultimately though, everybody is in it for the Golden Ticket. Find one and it gets you, plus a friend, into every UM show for a year (excluding festivals). Not sure there’s anything more valuable out there for a true Umphreak.

10.) The 2014 umVIP White Church Set

In addition to all of the standard VIP Upgrades available at Summer Camp, there is also the option for an Umphrey’s McGee Picnic Package that has some pretty sweet perks including special merch, priority for the Golden Ticket event, and most importantly a private set in the White Church, one of the most intimate venues you’ll ever have the chance to see the band in. The Umphrey’s McGee Picnic Package, as well as their umVIP hotel and shuttle options for 2015, are on sale now.

11.) Gulf Stream on 5/26/14 Allie Kral sitting in on fiddle for Gulf Stream > Bittersweet Symphony during their Late Night Show in the Red Barn in 2014 was nothing short of magical. This set a very relaxing tone before Umphrey’s exploded into a monstrous Wizard Burial Ground.

12.) Huey Lewis and the rUMours on 5/29/11 In 2011 Umphrey’s McGee and Huey Lewis collaborated for is one of the most unique Umphrey’s sets to ever grace Summer Camp’s stages over 15 years. Mad Dog’s Filthy Little Secret added some extra flare while the boys brought the heat with a handful of rarities including “The Weight”, “Up On Cripple Creek” and “I Want a New Drug.”

13.) Mail Package on 5/27/12 Leading up to this set the band had received some presents from a fan. A corn cob pipe, a blow up doll, a big ol tub of mayonnaise, DVDs and more were all offered up in the request that Umphrey’s perform Mail Package, and wouldn’t you know it – it worked!

14.) Bright Lights Big City on 5/24/13 This “Bright Lights Big City” with Dominic Lalli of Big Gigantic got pretty saxy. It was pretty cold in 2013, but this set warmed the crowd up real fast!

15.) The Michael Kang Sit-In on 5/26/06

Who could forget about ‘06? This would of been my first Umphrey’s set at Summer Camp, but I had to drive back to Peotone, IL to participate in graduation. I promised myself that never again would I miss an Umphrey’s set after seeing what took place – a Michael Kang sit in during “We’re Going To War.” Overall this show was on fire from start to finish – listen here.

16.) BONUS PICK – “Puppet String” on 5/28/11 This was the first time that Umphrey’s McGee ever performed “Puppet String” and nobody really knew what to expect… we’re just happy it made it to DVD!]]>