How lucky are we? Camp Counselor Derek reviews #SCamp16

Hey y’all. So here we are again in July wondering where the time has gone. Summer Camp feels like it was yesterday, and as always it went by in the blink of an eye. This was my second year as a counselor and my 16th at the festival. That fact is hard for even me to believe. I do so love telling younger people that at the festival, and watching them calculate my approximate age in their head. I still feel like the twenty-two year old that rolled up to Three Sisters Park 16 years ago not knowing what to behold in those woods. You have to remember, when Summer Camp started there was no Bonnaroo, no Wakarusa, no Electric Forrest or Coachella or Pitchfork or North Coast or whatever you wacky kids are going to now. I’d be there with you at all of them if weren’t for the coolest three-year-old in the world (seriously, your future kids are lame compared to mine). But one weekend a year I still get some Daddy time at Summer Camp. After all – I can’t break the streak now. I have to go to at least 20. [caption id="attachment_23486" align="alignnone" width="576"]Camp Counselor Derek This picture was taken by someone standing next to me at a stage who asked to borrow my camera. I reluctantly agreed, unsure why, and then he started taking pictures of me.[/caption] This year, like many before, I headed to Summer Camp solo. If I’m being honest I know there are a lot of people who find this strange. Why would you go to a music fest for four days by yourself? Well first off, I’m clearly not by myself am I? There are 30,000+ of my “closest” new friends. Well maybe we should say more like 25,000. Some of you scare me. But first and foremost I’m there for the music. I’m there to support moe. (and Umphrey’s). I’m there to discover new bands or bands I might not otherwise have the time and money to see. I’m there for the love of music and people. Someday you too, fair festival enthusiast (I’ll make that assumption about you if you are reading this) may find that you can’t find a companion for Summer Camp. I’m here to tell you that’s okay. There’s an awesome freedom in it. Never have I had to alter my plans or inclinations for anyone. Sure I may start off as the creepy almost 40-year-old loner next to a group of people half my age… but rarely have my camping neighbors refused free banana pancakes. And after 16 years, if you need to borrow something, I probably have it. [caption id="attachment_23495" align="alignnone" width="576"]Home Home for four days[/caption] I will say this about flying solo this year – the Camp Counselor deal allows us the Deluxe VIP Package. I had a blast giving away some of my late night show wristbands, posters, and at one point cases of beer. I’m not much of a beer guy, but loves me some whiskey. Nevertheless, I’ve never seen people get so excited to receive a free warm beer on a hot day. This year I had a lot of interaction with the festival year-round checking up on the Facebook group, stopping by the Summer Camp Festival On the Road show, and doing a couple write-ups on SCamp artists. The Facebook group in general has allowed me to learn a lot of things that I wouldn’t have otherwise been exposed to. I learn about how things are “sick,” and “lit,” and “on fire.” Yup… I’m hip. Now, there’s one trend I want to address. This year I learned about boofing. There were a LOT of jokes flying around about it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, skip this section and be happy you have surrounded yourself with a healthy lifestyle. I just feel the need to say this: Seriously people, don’t put drugs in your ass. [caption id="attachment_23487" align="alignnone" width="576"]Boofing The More You Know![/caption] Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about Summer Camp ’16. Being a Camp Counselor does have its perks. On Wednesday night the counselors gathered together for a pre-pre-party cookout. Let me tell you – this is a fine group of people who care a lot about this fest. I’m honored to call them friends. And getting the first crack at camping when the gates open ain’t half bad either.

Short video I created introducing the Camp Counselors: And just so I don’t leave anyone thinking “What the hell is that song?” It’s the theme from Family Matters. It seemed appropriate. Being a counselor keeps me on top of the happenings prior to scamp. This year I entered the Make A Difference contest to have a chance to conduct the Everyone Orchestra. The show is a private show in the barn open to any camper who completes the Make a Difference Scavenger Hunt. [caption id="attachment_23488" align="alignnone" width="576"]Make a Difference Make a Difference[/caption]

Here was my video entry for the contest: So with the help of that awesome three-year-old, and armed with some basic knowledge of video editing, I won the contest. Entering that contest was the best thing I did prior to Summer Camp – and that includes packing gold bond. The Everyone Orchestra is a rotating cast of musicians from various bands and led by Matt Butler. And the band this year was Kyle Hollingsworth (The String Cheese Incident), Marc Brownstein (The Disco Biscuits), Jeremy Salken (Big Gigantic), Al Schnier (moe.), Tom Hamilton (Joe Russo’s Almost Dead), Jennifer Hartswick (Trey Anastasio Band), Mimi Naja (Fruition), Daniel Lamb (MarchFourth) and Chris Gabled. First, I should say, Matt Butler is a hell of a guy. He completely put me at ease about the whole experience. He introduced me to everyone, offered for me to stand on stage during the show so I could observe his mastery at work, got me in on the pre-show circle of musicians, encouraged me to take the mic during the song, and even brought me back out for the last song. That said, here is the most fun I have ever had at Summer Camp.  I started by writing “New Orleans Second Line – Horns and Drums Start in D” on the dry erase board. At one point I wrote “Al (Schnier)- Dirty.” The rest is fairly obvious: You can see my head getting bigger as the song progresses. “No you – who sells out stadiums – you will not play now because I said so! And now you will play! Dance for me monkey!” So. much. damn. fun. (Thanks to Camp Counselor Carmel for the video!) [caption id="attachment_23489" align="alignnone" width="576"]Photo by Camp Counselor Carmel Photo by Camp Counselor Carmel[/caption]

I’m going to narrow down my remaining favorite moments of scamp 16 in a top ten list.

And here we go: 10. This guy crowd surfing. [caption id="attachment_23490" align="alignnone" width="576"]Crowd Surfer Somewhere between crowd surfing and the Jewish Hora[/caption] 9. Rainbows over Roots [caption id="attachment_23491" align="alignnone" width="576"]Rainbow over the Roots “O to the M to the G. Double rainbows. I’m freaking out.”[/caption] 8. The Apple Donuts & Lobster Roll from The Maine Eatery. [caption id="attachment_23492" align="alignnone" width="576"]Maine Eatery I’ve always been a Minglewood Brick Oven Pizza Guy myself, but this year The Maine Eatery won me over.[/caption] 7. Crossed Eyed and Phishless – covering the songs covered by Phish and starring Scamp counselor(ish) Uncle Brad (also from the band Melk). A good way to close out the fest for me. 6. Here Come the Mummies – Mummies are cool. THESE mummies are on fire! [caption id="attachment_23500" align="alignnone" width="384"]Mummies The mummies entrance[/caption] 5. Sun Stereo (both sets) – How are they not on iTunes yet? 4. moe. VIP lounge acoustic set  – Membership has its privileges. 3. Fishbone – Because they are flippin’ Fishbone! 2. Kyle Hollingsworth set and interview with camp counselor Alex. The interview was ‘chopped and shot’ by yours truly, and can be found here:   [caption id="attachment_23493" align="alignnone" width="576"]Kyle Hollingsworth and myself Kyle Hollingsworth and me[/caption] 1. Turbo Suit featuring Ryan Stasik performing Nirvana’s Nevermind. I just want to take a quick moment to acknowledge how well thought out that set was. They didn’t just throw together a cover set of Nirvana’s album. They reinvented it. They won camp.

If you’re nostalgic for camp at this point, here’s another quick video of a walk from the front of the woods to the back of the moonshine stage: Near the end of the Everyone Orchestra set Matt Butler held up a dry erase board in which he had written “How lucky are we?” Indeed Matt. That sentiment has stayed with me as I reflect on camp and in my everyday life. [caption id="attachment_23494" align="alignnone" width="576"]Photo credit: Chad Smith Photo credit: Chad Smith[/caption] So that’s it my fine festival friends. Another year in the books. If you see me out in the real world feel free to say hi. Otherwise, see you at home in ’17. -Camp Counselor Derek]]>