Welcome New Camp Counselors: Zach, Sam, and Ashlee!

New CampCounselorCollage

Since 2011, the Summer Camp Counselor program has searched the country seeking a select few SCampers ready to play a larger role in the festival. By using their talents and interests to help communicate Summer Camp’s story, our Camp Counselors represent the festival both online and “in real life,” generating content for their Campfire blogs, hosting contests and Summer Camp events, setting up Make A Difference Charity Drives and more.

We would like to welcome our two newest members to the team, Zach, Sam, and Ashlee! They will join us this Memorial Day Weekend to begin their Camp Counselor journey. Get to know your counselors below, and stay on the look out for their first posts on the Campfire Blog!

What originally attracted you to Summer Camp specifically, and music or festivals in general?

Zach: Music and entertainment is my life. My favorite pastime is live music. I attended my first concert when I was 10 years old. ZZ Top was my first show and second was Janet Jackson. Once I hit middle school I was going frequently to punk shows and then to lots of classic rock and hip hop shows. I would say I’ve been to about 500 shows not including festivals. I go to an average about 2 a week. One of my favorites is Dave Matthews band. I’ve been to 28 shows. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago some new friends got me into the festival scene and my love for electronic and jam music flourished. The last two years I’ve been to about 15 festivals. I love the music, but more importantly I love the people and the culture. There is no place I feel more alive and at home. I truly feel like myself when I’m at a show or festival.

Sam: The opportunity to mingle with like minded people, dance and go camping with my friends.

Ashlee: My parents raised me in Illinois listening to moe. and going to local music festivals. Falling in love with Summer Camp was inevitable.

Which five artists are you most excited to see at Summer Camp 2018, and why?

Zach: Slightly Stoopid, STS9, Tipper, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. That was way to tough to pick. Honestly top 5 is not enough. I picked most these band because i haven’t seen them a lot. They are also some of my favorites and in different genres.

Sam: Tipper, EOTO, Liquid Stranger, TOKiMONSTA and MiSTA FiSHA. My friend, Alex (AKA MiSTA FiSHA) won the Carbondale Summer Camp On the Road Tour. I am so unbelievably proud of his hard work and can’t wait to support the fam at Scamp ’18.


1. Moe. – I’m so, so, so excited to see Rob back up on that stage.

2. Pigeons Playing Ping Pong  – because they can jam like no other. (Okay, maybe a few others).

3. Jade Cicada – This is a new love for me. I’m not normally into the wubbalubbadubdubs but for Jade Cicada, I make a huge exception.

4. Old Shoe – This band has my whole heart. The Shoe Fest team hired me to be the social media manager for the festival a few years ago and have felt those family vibes from them ever since.

5. This last one is a toss up between Los Lobos and Keller Williams. Bonus points if we could get these guys together.

Why would you make an ideal Summer Camp Counselor?

Zach: I’m a very friendly person who gets along with everyone and loves my fellow festival goers. My favorite part is getting out there and meeting new people, Spreading the word of scamp and love. When I meet someone at any festival I want to leave them with a good vibe, which not only reflects me but the festival. Also when I’m working, shooting video or photos I have a lot of fun and am always told that people enjoy watching me work and it gets them hyped for the set! I love walking around and taking portraits of people or groups. It brings so much joy to their day and that feels good. Again it’s all about adding to their experience and making it the best it can be.

In terms of work, I take my art very seriously. I am a full time freelancer in video production and photography. I’ve been doing this for about 4 years and have worked on all formats or production. Everything from feature length films, short films, sporting events, commercials, corporate videos, and events. I’ve worked for the X games, super bowl, Indian motorcycles, Polaris, Allina health, House Hunters, Taco Johns, Slumberland etc.

Sam: As a young activist, DIY music venue operator, freelance writer and philosophy/journalism double major, I have a well-rounded and eclectic skill-set and ethical toolbox, which artfully equips me to uncover, document and showcase the advocacy work, community and magic that unfolds at Summer Camp.

Through the creation of intimate cross-organization relationships, the facilitation of robust conversations, the crafting of a shared vision and strong documentation and social media outreach, we can ensure the legacy and richness of Summer Camp’s advocacy network is strengthened and talked about year round. If I have learned one thing during my last seven SCamps, it is that Three Sisters Park is just absolutely saturated with goodness and humanity every Memorial Day weekend. With an impressive array of communication, networking and writing styles, I come overjoyed and prepared for the opportunity to serve the festival that has fundamentally shape my tastes and values.

My favorite thing to do at Summer Camp (besides dance) is forge genuine, deep connections with people from all walks of life. This will be essential in my documentation style, as one never knows where the real story lies unless one asks. Summer Camp Music Festival, to me, has always been a hub of exchange, a place where people ripe with ideas on how to make our world a better place come together to make that dream a reality. The formal mechanism for this provided by Summer Camp is Make a Difference.

However, upon digging deeper, upon wandering just a bit further into that lush and mysterious forest, it’s revealed that those people, whose creative

Ashlee: Summer Camp is a very special festival to me. Because of the amazing times I have had there, I am passionate about helping others do the same. My greatest happiness comes from connecting with others and bringing people together, and also being able to spread the word on the who/what/wheres of SCamp. (ie. Best taco stand/coolest gem vendor/secret late night sets/impromtu jams? I got you).

What elements of Summer Camp, festival culture, and the music scene would you focus on covering as a Summer Camp Counselor?

Zach: I want to cover the joy of festival goers as they experience scamp for the weekend. I want to document what goes on at scamp, the activities, the friendships, and the chaos! Obviously I love the music and getting amazing shots of the performances, but this year I really want to focus on the people that make SCamp, SCamp!

Sam: My focus in covering this year’s event is to make those different crews, people, groups and the causes they represent known to the world, to capture the magic as it unfolds and document the synergistic relationships that pulse throughout the festival.

My primary focuses will lie on the Make a Difference area and the decentralized and grassroots advocacy and community-building work that goes on festival- wide.

I seek to emphasize the intricate relationship between music and society, culture and politics, humans and the environment, and how Summer Camp fosters a space in which these relationships flourish.

Ashlee: I would love to cover and capture moments between SCampers helping another. SCamp is a wonderful world in and of itself and for a weekend, Three Sisters Park becomes family. Those who really treat each other like family make the festival so much more intimate and wonderful and I would like to focus on moments like that.
