Special Camp Counselor List: 15 Ways to MAKE A DIFFERENCE at Summer Camp 2015

The idea of sustainability has become almost ubiquitous with festival life. Through the elimination of single use cups and non-biodegradable utensils, the utilization of water stations, and more, many fests are looking to stay on the greener side of life. However, few festivals truly embody the phrase ‘MAKE A DIFFERENCE’ like Summer Camp Music Festival. Whether it’s the various drives, support of non-profits, or simple sharing of information, Summer Camp is an oasis of possibility for learning and involvement. mad_forFB In honor of the 15th Annual Summer Camp, we Camp Counselors (specifically Nick, Eric, Alex, Alexander and Kyle) decided to collaborate on a list of 15 ways our fellow SCampers could help!

1.) Leave No Trace

Being a truly amazing SCamper also means making sure you pack out what you pack in. Keep your campsite clean. Pick up things that need to be thrown away. When you leave your campsite on Monday morning there should be no trace that you even spent the entire weekend there having the best time of your life. Make sure you place all your trash collected all weekend in bags and put them in a place that is easy for the Green Team to come around and collect them.

2.) Pick up Trash When You See It

On your way to see moe. and notice that piece of trash on the ground while walking? Well go ahead and be the awesome SCamper that you are and pick it up. Find one of the 3 tier receptacles and throw is away in the appropriate container. Guess what? You just made a huge difference! Keep it up!

3.) Keep Extra Bags for Recycling at Camp

The Three Can stations aren’t the only places you should be separating your trash, but you can one up it and create your own three tier station at your camp by designating one or multiple bags to compost / recycling. That way at the end of the festival when you throw out those bags, the green team will have to spend a lot less time sorting your trash into their appropriate piles. Every small thing makes a difference and bringing extra bags for this purpose is a really easy step to take.

4.) Sort Your Recycling

052214JasonKaczorowski086 Speaking of recycling, take the time to separate it for easy sorting. There will be stations set up around the entire festival grounds and Green Team members there to guide you through the daunting process of recycling. You can make it easy on yourself and the festival by breaking out your garbage between, recyclables, compost, and landfill. The landfill bin is reserved for things like cigarette butts and used chewing gum. The goal is to recycle and compost as much as possible. So make a difference at Summer Camp this year by sorting your recycling and getting everything in the proper bin.

5.) Take Care of Your Fellow Summer Campers

We’ve all seen the kid who has had a few too many space cakes and is now leaning against the falafel stand with a 1000-yard stare. Don’t ignore him, ask him if he’s okay or offer him a bottle of water. What I’m saying is take care of your fellow Summer Camper. If a kid looks like he is absolutely spun and could do harm to himself or others call over a paramedic to check him out. You never know when someone has taken it too far and really needs help. This could make the biggest difference in the world for someone.

6.) Pack Light

Yogi Bhajan once profoundly said, “Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” In the spirit of this quote, I encourage everyone to pack lightly for Summer Camp this year! The less you bring, the less you have to worry about, and when your fuzzy Monday morning comes along, you’ll be thankful you don’t have to so much stuff to haul back to your car. Keep your packing simple – this isn’t Coachella, no one is going to write a bullshit fashion blog about your outfit – the only thing you should worry about wearing is your beautiful smile!

7 .) Don’t Drop Your Cigarette Butts

052214JasonKaczorowski065 It saddens me that this is still a thing we have to write about. NOT-SO-FUN FACT: Cigarette butts are the make up the most individual pieces of waste in the WORLD… nearly 1.7 BILLION pounds are trashed each year! These butts are highly toxic; despite what apparently a lot of people think, they are NOT biodegradable. Have a heart and bring your own pocket ashtray, or be sure to pick one up at the Soulshine Tent this year!

8.) Keep an Eye on Your Friends

Sometimes we all need a reminder to eat a square meal and drink some water to stay level during a long celebration. Be your brother’s keeper, or your sister’s keeper. That’s apart of the whole unspoken contract between friends is that we make sure everyone doing good and in great shape mentally, emotionally, and physically. Bring a CamelBak and offer water from time to time. Sometimes people simply forget to drink enough water!

9.) Do NOT put Food or Liquids in the Recycling Cans

Food/Liquids goes in either Compost or the Landfill. Make sure to separate your trash properly and if you just happen to see someone disposing of theirs the wrong way, don’t be shy to lend a hand. Some people just don’t know!

10.) Participate in the Recycled Art Project

SoulShine Every year Summer Campers join together and create an art installation created completely out recycled items. It’s a chance to break free from the normal festival routine and participate in something incredibly unique. Head to the Soulshine tent, you won’t be able to miss it.

11.) Participate in a Drive to Make A Difference

During the weekend there will be a number of drives going on to support local charities. It’s not just about bringing non-perishable food goods anymore, although that is definitely an option that will support Conscious Alliance. You can also bring old and unwanted mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets to benefit Rock The Earth. You can also donate non-GMO seeds and gardening gloves for or small sample size hygiene products to help the Global Medical Brigade. Participating in a drive will also give you access to the private Sunday afternoon Everyone Orchestra show in the Red Barn and other prizes, so toss a few extra goodies in your luggage for those in need and really make a difference.

12.) Check out the Nonprofits in The Soulshine Tent

The Soulshine Tent at Summer Camp is home to showcasing many amazing Non-profit organizations! Part of the Make a Difference family, the Soulshine Tent has daily activities to help educate you in a fun way moving towards a sustainable world! This year, some of the awesome Soulshine Tent participants include Permaculture Corner, RelaxSonic, Heading OM Yoga: Raise yOUR Vibration!, Michelle and Mike’s hooping course and much more! Some of the awesome Non-Profits this year include the Amplify Project, Camp Traction, Conscious Alliance, CSU Global Medical Brigades, DanceSafe, Gardeneers, Happy Hour Heroes (HHH), HeadCount, Love Hope Strength Foundation, One, Rock The Earth, The Runway to Hope Foundation, Sustainable Concepts Green Team, and Yodeladies!

13.) Participate in the Make A Difference Treasure Hunt

TreasureHunt2015_final Every year, Summer Camp has a Treasure Hunt! It’s an amazing way to go around and see, as well as get involved, in the different Make a Difference areas at the festival. The best part? You kill two birds with one stone! Feel great by making a difference, and you get an amazing prize by an intimate concert with Everyone Orchestra. The line up every year is always stellar! By participating in the Treasure Hunt, you will get to learn about awesome Nonprofit organizations, partake in hands-on workshops, assist in sustainable art projects and much more! Some of the actual tasks to complete in the Treasure Hunt to gain access to the show include participating in any drive, registering to vote with HeadCount, participating in any Soulshine Activity/workshop, and much more! Help make a difference this year at Summer Camp!

14.) Bring a Reusable Water Bottle

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference. We are all learning about the extreme impact plastic water bottles have on the environment. You can help do your part by bringing your own reusable water bottle. There are ample water stations strategically placed throughout the festival grounds. If everyone that reads this just decided against bringing plastic bottles it would make a huge difference.

15.) Keep Your Camping Gear Nice

If you don’t want it wrap it up and leave it at the Soulshine Tent. Summer Camp participates in yet another program that utilizes discarded camping equipment to help the homeless. If your Easy Up is on its last legs don’t trash it, tear it down and bag it up. Then take it to the Soulshine Tent to see if it can be fixed or recycled. It also saves you the hassle of dragging it back to your car. So there you have 15 different ways to Make A Difference at Summer Camp 2015. See you in the Soulshine Tent!
All photos in this post are credit Jason Kaczorowski Photography, Abby Fox Photo, and Phierce Photography.