SunSquabi at the Lakeshore Drive-In Recap

Written by Camp Counselor Niki A low, ominous cloud crawled through the city, passing through the tallest buildings. The sky glowed a yellow-orange above the breezy lakefront; a spooky reminder that fall is upon us. Cars filtered into the Lakeshore Drive-In stacked with passengers 4 or 5 deep. Parked in off-set rows, hatchback cars and […]
Umphrey’s McGee Drive-Inn Recap

Camp Counselor Niki reviews 2 nights with Umphrey’s McGee at the Drive-Inn. Car meet in Bridgeview? No. Umphrey’s at the Drive Inn? Yes. Three rows of cars in line to see Umphrey’s McGee twisted around SeatGeek Stadium’s driveway, into a gravel parking lot and beyond. Some had been there since noon. The tailgates ranged from […]
Lotus – Free Swim [Album Review]
![Lotus - Free Swim [Album Review] 6 red team 14](
Hey all, Camp Counselor Eric here! Most album reviews post within days of the album releasing. Personally I need several sessions with an album to let it bake before I can fully grasp the quality and appreciate the piece for it’s entirety. After several sessions with the album over the past week or so I […]
Currently On Replay: CloZee’s Remix of Emancipator’s “Labyrinth”

Camp Counselor Emma here! Hey, SCamp fam, I know it’s been a rough year without live music or festivals, but that doesn’t make it all bad! If anything, that means our favorite producers have more free time to work on killer new music for us. So you can imagine how excited I was when two […]
Headcount Festival Challenge

Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? The Summer Camp Family and HeadCount are challenging all SCampers to get VOTE READY before the 2020 Election. Voting is one of the most important actions we can take as citizens. “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.” – Sharon Salzberg Get VOTE […]
Since 2011, the Summer Camp Counselor program has searched the country seeking a select few SCampers ready to play a larger role in the festival. By using their talents and interests to help communicate Summer Camp’s story, our Camp Counselors represent the festival both online and “in real life,” generating content for their Campfire blogs, hosting contests and Summer […]

Show Notes: Camp Counselor Derek talks about recent events and the new festival dates. He also has a (pre-pandemic) conversation with Billy Strings about his life growing up in Michigan, sitting in with bluegrass legends, and touring. You can download & subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Google Play! Be sure to stay up-to-date on our new releases! Bookmark this page so […]
Best Of Summer Camp Contest

Our new weekly series: The Best Of Summer Camp ✌️ In an effort to promote positivity, we want everyone thinking back on your favorites moments throughout the years. To remember the good times we’ve had together and embrace love over fear during these uncertain times. Every week, we want to hear THE BEST set, crew, […]
Episode 33 Summer Camp Podcast: Season 4 Preview
Show Notes: In this special episode Camp Counselor Derek talks about the SCamp 2020 lineup, the On the Road tour, and reveals the first upcoming guest. Also enjoy a selection of live tunes from SCamps past including Godboner, moe., Wood Brothers, Lettuce and Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. You can download and subscribe to the podcast […]
STS9 Pushes the Sky in Colorado